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Friday, May 31, 2013

How to Know if Someone Accessed My Computer When I am Away?

Do you have a feeling that someone tried to access your computer when you stepped out for a lunch or quick coffee break? Perhaps your colleague or the person sitting in the next desk tried to log in or play something wicked on your computer while you were away for a quick session.
So, how do you know if someone tried to access your computer in your absence? Well, here is a way by which you get notified every time when such an attempt is made.

The website called gives a solution here. All you have to do is visit the site’s homepage, sign in to your Gmail account and select your secret point (unlock code) from the screen. Once you do this, you will have to place your mouse cursor into the slot shown and click on it. This will activate the mouse lock feature on your computer screen.

So, when an unauthorized person tries to move the mouse in your absence, he will be given just a few seconds to select the unlock code. Upon failure to do so, you will get an instant notification about the intrusion in your mailbox.

If you have a webcam attached to your computer, you can even get the photo of the person trying to intrude. This will make it easy for you to figure out who actually was the person.
As this is an easy to use web application, you can use it any time just by loading the MouseLock website without the need to install anything on your computer. Even though MouseLock does not manage to prevent the intrusion, it will give you an instant notification about it, so that you aware of what is happening at your desk when you are away.

How it Works?

MouseLock operates by using the “mouseLeaveEvent” from JQuery to track the mouse movements. On the other hand, it uses the “getUserMedia()” API that is supported by Chrome and Firefox to capture the webcam photographs.

How to increase your INTERNET SPEED by 20% yourself!!

How does it work?
Many people are skeptical about this topic. They think browsing speed cannot be further increased than it already is, but that is not 100% true. If you run a Windows Operating System, you should know that Windows always allocates 20% of the bandwidth(Your internet speed limit) for its personal "Windows Updates". We can turn this allocation to 0% so that it also downloads like any other application in your device. Note that this method does NOT disable windows update, it will only remove the amount of internet speed windows has reserved for itself. After completing all the easy little simple steps below, you will be able to experience a faster browsing experience. If not, you might need to restart for the settings to take effect!

Follow these simple steps to increase your browsing speed by 20% ie. 1/5th more :D
Step1.   Click on Start button and
             XP users: Go to run. Type [Gpedit.msc] in run
             Win7 users: Type [Gpedit.msc] and click on the file found inside System32
[This step might not work on some PCs if you have switched off indexing, so follow next alternative]
Step1(alternative). Goto System32/gpedit.msc and open the file.
                                   Then on the Left pane, select
                                   Administrative Templates > Network > QoS Packet Scheduler
        [Generally, System32 is found in this path : C:\Windows\System32 ]
        [After you reach system32 folder, hit Ctrl+F and type Gpedit.msc to locate file]
        [**NEVER use gpedit.msc inside the en_US folder, use the one in system32]
Finding gpedit.msc ------>
 Opening gpedit.msc or, Local Group Policy Editor ------->
>Select Administrative Templates<
After selecting Adminstrative Templates, select >Network< 
Then select >QoS Packet Scheduler< & select "Limit reservable bandwidth"
Apply the settings as shown in pic ------>
Step2. If u are XP user: Directly select "Enable" and set reserve bandwith to 0.
             If you are Win7 user:
           Select "Limit Reservable Bandwidth" > Hit Enable > Set value to 0%
##Congratulations, you just increased your internet speed by 20% :D 
Enjoy!~ ^_^

*Note: I have not posted this, but this is also possible for Windows8. The steps are the same. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 30, 2013 --- Scam Site!! Beware!!


Notice: is a scam! Its a very fake site!! 
When you ask for withdrawl of money, it asks for survey and redirects you to this page ( -- it does that to everybody!
How it works!-->
Oh I researched, and I found out how this scam works. Apparently ANYONE can go to this site ( and then it will ask you to fill a survey, but it wont pay you, why? Because it is not a scam but a simple redirect. When you are filling a survey at that site, you are actually redirected and REALLY filling a survey for this site ( so that when you do the survey each time, the original person to whom this link belongs ( earns all the money... thats a really smart person. Bloody cheater!! :@
Atleast I got to know a new thing today... worth more than $40 huh?
Proof: --->
Hover around the "Click Here" button in ( and you will see a link ( at the bottom of your browser. Survey bypassing technique also finally leads to this page.

Click me to learn details about such sites & how to avoid them!

How to get AVAST INTERNET SECURITY 8 for FREE upto 2050!!!

In this post, we are going to learn How to get AVAST INTERNET SECURITY 8 for FREE upto 2050!!!
It is not a crack/patch work completely. Instead it follows a clean method by patching some portion of the original AVAST INTERNET SECURITY 8.

According to cnet downloads, AVAST INTERNET SECURITY 8 is currently ranked #1 in Internet Security Software Suites. It makes it one of the most formidable and powerful antivirus software. Plus it runs both on the basis of virus-definition & online user statistics i.e Once a new virus is found somewhere in the world by an AVAST ANTIVIRUS, it sends it to the command center HQ and the information about that virus is immediately assimilated to all AVAST's all over the world. So it has a virtual immunity system of sorts!

Overall Protection: Avast Internet Security 8 is a complete antivirus solution

User-Friendly : AVAST has a smartphone like interface as its console.

More than just an antivirus: It has many facilities like Software Updater, Browser Cleanup & Add-on management, Browser restore ; So that you don't have to rely on insecure 3rd party applications!

Okay! This is the part you have been waiting for......


I will skip the explaining on how it works and basically tell you the process step by step.
[If you want details comment below] . Okay Here Goes,....
Step 1. First Download all the files that will be listed below and we can start off.
Download List:
>>Download Setup<< (Secure: Google Drive Internal Link)
>>Download original License file until 26/09/2013<< (Secure: Google Drive Internal Link)
>>Download License Faker until 2050<< (Secure: Google Drive Internal Link)
[A Secure high speed Dropbox link is being Uploaded or these files.  Links will be here soon]

If the above download Links don't work for you. Please try these alternatives:
>>Download Setup<< (External Link)
>>Download license file until 26/09/2013<< (Mediafire Internal Link)
>>Download license faker until 2050<< (Mediafire Internal Link)
Step 2. Unplug the Internet Cable or Disconnect from the Internet. You should stay offline for this. Remove your previous copy of AVAST if you have any!
Step 3. Install the given setup of AVAST INTERNET SECURITY 8 in "Trial Mode" (DO NOT USE LICENSE YET!! otherwise avast! will detect two licenses and your IP will be closely monitored.) Now "Restart" the computer.
Step 4. After restarting, open the Avast Console by double clicking the Avast icon on your desktop. On the top right option click on "Settings". Go to "Troubleshooting" on the left pane displayed in a new dialog box.
Step 5. Deselect or Unmark "Enable avast! self-defense  module". Click on "OK". Then open the Avast folder at C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast (your root drive may be different) and paste the file "ZeNiX.dll" after you rename it into "Version.dll". Keep "Version.dll" inside C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\Setup . Delete any "Userenv.dll" if you find any on those two folders.

Step 6.  Now run the registry file named "AVAST XP ZeNiX.reg". After the registry has been successfully added, run the program "Avast License ZeNiX 2012-06-29.exe". It is password protected. Password is "ZeNiX".
Step 6. Now open Avast Console again by double clicking icon at desktop. From the options given in the tab at the top, select "Maintenance". Then click on "Subscription" on the left pane selection. You will see a "10day" trial subscription. Now below that click "Insert Licence file". Now insert licence file "License.avastlic" and apply. Then you will get 13437days of amazing subscription!!

Step 7. Enable "avast! Self-Protection Module" and then restart. Now reconnect the internet connection. Be protected by software worth $49.5 for absolutely FREE!!
**Note : AVAST cost $49.5 (or nearly as much) for a SINGLE computer. This method can be used for multiple computers also which could cost hundreds of dollars!
Enjoy! and comment for review and feedback!

5 ways to extend the trial period of software!

Trial Period Expired Image
Normally there are two types of restrictions for shareware. The first one is the demo version with limited or crippled functionality that doesn’t have an expiry date and another type is the fully functional trial version that expires after a certain period of time. The amount of days given to try are normally around 30 days but it could be shorter or longer depending on the author of the software. In the earlier days, you can easily run the expired software by simply backdating the date on your Windows operating system but some software has got smarter to detect this and instantly ends the trial period.
You might think to yourself, how does the shareware knows how many days left in the trial period? Most of the time these commercial and freeware protectors drop some information somewhere deep inside your computer after installation so they know when it was installed and then comparing with the official current time pulled from the Internet. It is possible to find the location that records that information by using file or registry monitoring software including third party uninstaller software such as Revo Uninstaller but it can be tedious and frustrating work.

Here’s a few simpler ways on how you can extend the trial period of software using various different methods.

1. NirSoft RunAsDate
As the name might suggest, RunAsDate performs a trick on the trial software that has expired by injecting the time and date you specify into its process. This has a similar effect to manually setting your system clock to a different time and date, but in this instance your real clock remains unchanged. RunAsDate can also have multiple instances of its program running at once, and each one can have a separate date, all different to the real one.

As a simple example, if you’re using the popular archiver WinZip and its 30 day trial period has expired, it won’t let you use the program anymore, and you either have to purchase a license or uninstall it. Using RunAsDate, you can set the date back to be within the trial period making WinZip usable again. The image below is WinZip after the 30 day trial has passed, note the “Use Evaluation Version” is now grayed out.
If you now load up RunAsDate, all you have to do is browse for the application to use the program on, in this case “C:\Program Files\WinZip\WINZIP32.EXE”, then choose a date and time from the pop-out calender to before the trial period expired. Now simply press the Run button.

RunAsDate has a few other options such as allow arguments to be applied to the executable, and also a useful option to create a desktop shortcut which will automatically launch the application with the configuration options you’ve supplied in the window. The Immediate Mode check box can be used to inject the date/time earlier in the process, but is known to cause crashes on some programs, especially those using .NET.

If you run WinZip after entering the right date and time numbers and press Run or launch it via a shortcut, you’ll notice it no longer says expired and the Evaluation button is clickable again. Although time and date altering isn’t going to work on all trial software that has an expiry, it is a very quick and easy thing to try out first before turning to more advanced methods.

>>>>Click here to get Run as Date<<<<

2. Trial-Reset 4.0
This is the final version released in 2010 by “The Boss”, and is able to scan and remove 45 types of commercial and freeware protections including some software that uses custom protectors such as Reflexive, Namo, ABBYY, WinRAR, WinZip and etc. In fact if you know the registry location of where the trial information are recorded for a shareware program, you can create your own text file and save it in the Lists folder.

Do note that Trial-Reset does not modify the shareware in anyway. It simply cleans the registry keys generated by the protectors which are normally not removed even after uninstalling the software. This is how a lot of shareware knows you have no trial period left, even if you uninstall and re-install the program again. Trial-Reset is very easy to use. To start scanning, simply click on the All located at the bottom left. The scanning will take a while since some of the methods require scanning the hard drive. The right pane will show all the detected keys that are used by any shareware titles.
You can backup, view or delete the keys, add to protect or auto cleaning list from the right click context menu. If you have a lot of shareware installed, there will be quite a number of results and you will need to do a trial and error to find the key that is associated with the software that you want to reset the trial period.

>>>>Get Trial Reset by clicking here<<<<

3. Time Stopper
Time Stopper is a program that behaves in a similar way to RunAsDate and fools the expired application into thinking it’s still within the trial period. This tool does differ slightly though because you don’t have the option to directly run the expired program from Time Stopper, but instead it is designed specifically to run from a desktop shortcut with the new time and date injected when you run the program from the shortcut.
Simply run Time Stopper and locate the trial software executable with the Browse button. Choose the new time and date from the pop-out calender, and then give the shortcut icon a name and finish by clicking the create button. Like Nirsoft RunAsDate, this tool will work on some shareware programs and not others but is easy enough to try.

>>>>Click here to Download Time Stopper<<<<

4. Using a Software Installation Monitor
This method may not seem that obvious at first, but actually can work quite well in many circumstances. The theory is simple in that you use a standard piece of installation monitor software which watches the files and registry entries that a program creates when it installs, and then can completely uninstall the software including everything that doesn’t get removed by the standard uninstaller. This often has the effect of also removing registry entries shareware might leave behind to watch its trial expiry status.
As an example, this can be achieved for the Internet Download Manager shareware program when its 30 day trial expires. We happen to know that the trial status of IDM is stored in the registry key “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID\{07999AC3-058B-40BF-984F-69EB1E554CA7}”, but IDM doesn’t remove this key when you uninstall through its own uninstaller and the time/date trick doesn’t work. Therefore once the trial period expires, the information remains on your computer and it will stay expired even if you re-install the program again in future.

To demonstrate, we installed Comodo Programs Manager which is one of the better installation monitor’s around, and let it automatically monitor the install of IDM. Then once the trial period for IDM has expired, we simply select it for a “Complete Uninstall” in Comodo Programs Manager. After the standard uninstaller has finished, Programs Manager will show the extra files and registry entries that have been left behind. Expand the Registry tree and looking at the keys, we can see the IDM key which controls the trial period status is listed for removal. Continue the removal and if you re-install Internet Download Manager, its trial status will be reset to 30 days.
This method is obviously not foolproof but if you can install the trial software for the first time after installing the installation monitor, and the trial information is kept in the registry or a data file, one of these programs has a chance of picking it up and removing it which will reset the trial period.

5. Registry Trash Keys Finder
This might be a better solution these days because it is up-to-date. Unlike the Trial-Reset program which was last updated more than 2 years ago, it may not work on shareware that uses a newer version protector. Although Registry Trash Keys Finder is free, there are some limitations where some of the protection keys are not shown. The full version of Registry Trash Keys Finder is only available after donating to the author of this tool and it removes the limit.
As you can see at the screenshot above, there are 3 registry keys that shows {FREEWARE-VERSION-CAN’T-SHOW-THIS-KEY} for the Armadillo protector which cannot be seen nor deleted. We wanted to test the full version so badly that we donated to get it. From the “what’s new” area, we read that they’ve recently added a search routine for the latest games keys so we decided to put Alawar games to the test.
We downloaded a game from Alawar called Sticky Linky and played the whole free 60 minutes. Once the 60 minutes free play time is up, it shows 0 minutes game time left and we can no longer play the game until we purchase the game.
We ran Registry Trash Keys Finder full version and Alawar came up in the search results.
The Alawar key is deleted and running Sticky Linky now gives us another 60 minutes of free game time!
The Registry Trash Keys Finder full version has successfully extended the trial period of a game and it should also work for other software too. Other than just resetting the trial period, it also acts as a registry cleaner/optimizer where it detects obsolete registry keys of uninstall/app paths/SharedDLLs/Installer/MUICache/Help, unused file extensions, empty CLSID and TypeLib key, invalid name of CLSID and many more.

>>>>Download Registry Trash Keys Finder (Official : Freeware version)<<<<

>>>>Registry Trash Keys Finder Full Version (Unofficial)<<<<
[UPDATED: The Link to the FULL version is currently AVAILABLE. ]

Google Genius -- scam event on facebook --attempt to HACK YOUR FB ACCOUNT!! beware!!

This is the Ongoing information about a scam. Some people are falsely claiming to give away Nokia Mobile phones at this event ( It is a scam to gain more likes on their facebook page & HACK YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT too!

How this works? -->
This fake event ( asks you to Like their page, post and give a specified comment " Great :D Thanks GoogleGenius ! " to diffuse any suspicion by facebook and to increase page likes so that they can sell it later.

How do you get infected? How will they HACK YOUR ACCOUNT?
If you visit their page, you will get number of links there updated regularly.
One of them is http://www*askoverflow*com/magic.html
**[I have put * in place of (.) so that you don't go to that site by mistake]

That site contains a Trojan virus called HTML:FBJack-A[Trj] which has a HIGH threat level.
 I was able to detect it only because of my licensed antivirus -- AVAST Internet Security. If you dont have antivirus, or if you use FREE version of any antivirus, you might be easily injected with this powerful virus. After injecting, it will be able to monitor your computer activity -- it will kill your privacy --
it will steal your facebook and other accounts -- it may also copy bank credentials. So be aware of such sites. Recently Facebook has been a prime platform for hackers to do this!

Click & know trick to Get AVAST INTERNET SECURITY 8 -World's #1 Internet Security Suite worth $49.99 for FREE
Read & Review and Subscribe to my blog for more info updated by relevance. Stay updated. Bookmark this Link now!!

Friday, May 3, 2013

How to Turn Your Webcam into a Spy Cam for Free??

You can now easily monitor your room, office or workplace for activities going on during your absence without having to invest on expensive hidden cameras. If you’ve ever wondered to find a way to turn your PC webcam into a spy camera, here is a simple and effective solution. This can be really handy to monitor your children and pets in home or even catch a cheating spouse red handed! For this, all you need is a computer with an Internet connection and a webcam attached to it.
If your computer meets the above simple requirements, then you are all set to go. The site called provides a free solution to simply transform your webcam into a powerful spy camera in just a few steps. You can sign-up for a free account and start using the service immediately.

Since UGOlog service runs as a web application from within the browser, there is no need to install any additional software on your computer. That means, when your spouse or children look through the installed programs, they don’t find anything that arouses suspicion.

The following are some of the advantages of using UGOlog service over other software programs or a conventional spy camera:
  • Firstly, the service comes for free, so that you don’t need to buy anything to start with.
  • Unlike software programs such as “Webcam Monitor” which is complicated to configure and lacks stealth operation, UGOlog needs no installation and is simple to setup.
  • UGOlog comes with powerful features such as as motion detection, email alerts, and interval snapshots.
  • You have the option to view the camera remotely from anywhere just by logging into your UGOlog account.

Once you’ve created your account, you can take up a quick tour and browse through the configuration guide to begin using the service. The free version of UGOlog limits the service for only 1 webcam and 50 MB of storage space. If you wish to setup more than one camera and need additional space for recording more videos, you can easily switch for paid plans as per your convenience.
[If you are interested, please comment & I will try to get a link for the FULL version for free]

Thursday, May 2, 2013

How hackers work? #Method1 -- By Doxing

In the modern world, Internet has become a wonderful place to gain knowledge, exchange ideas, share information, make new friends and whatnot. Even though, you can do all of this by remaining anonymous behind your monitor, your real life identity and personal details can still be at the risk of falling into the hands of strangers. This is where the term “doxing” comes into play!

What is Doxing?

Doxing simply refers to the process of gathering or deducing other people’s information such as name, age, email, address, telephone number, photographs etc. using publicly available sources such as the Internet. In other words, doxing is the act of using the Internet to search for personal details about a person.
Doxing is done by initially taking a piece of information (such as “name” or “email address”) and keeping it as a base to find out other possible details about the person. The term “doxing” is derived from the word “document tracing” which means to retrieve documents about a particular person or company in order to learn more about them.

Doxing Techniques:

Today, Internet has grown to such a size that it contains almost any information that you’ve ever imagined! All you’ve to do is use the right techniques to search for what you want. Here is a list of doxing techniques that are most commonly used by Internet geeks and ethical hackers:

Using Google:

Google is undoubtedly a powerful tool that plays a key role in doxing. Since Google indexes almost anything on the Internet (sometimes even the private information), it is possible to dox for details such as email ID, address, phone numbers and photographs of a person or company. Once you obtain the search results for your query, carefully examine the description part which in most cases contain the piece of information that you are looking for.

Social Networking Websites:

As most Internet users are found to be active on social media, social networking sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn provide a virtual goldmine of information necessary to perform doxing. As most users are unaware of online security issues, they have weak privacy settings on their profile. This makes it easy for the attackers to gain access to personal information such as photographs, real names, location, job, partner’s name etc.

Reverse Cell Phone LookUp:

A “Reverse Cell Phone Lookup” is simply a process of finding someone’s personal details such as name, age, address and related information by using their cell phone number and vice versa. There are many online services out there such as cell phone registry that provide access to the personal details about a given person based on his/her phone, name and email ID.

Whois Searches:

If a person or company has a website (or domain name) associated with them, you can easily perform a “whois search” for their website to obtain personal details such as full name, address, email and phone number. Just visit and enter the domain name for which you want to perform a whois search. It will show up all the details associated with the domain name.

Why Would Anyone Want to Perform Doxing?

Most people perform doxing out of general curiosity about a person or company. However, there are some wicked minds out there who do this for the purpose of blackmailing or taking revenge by exposing the information that they have gathered about the person.

What are the Consequences of Doxing?

It can be slightly irritating and embarrassing when private data fall in the hands of people who are not intended to have access to such information. However, things can go even worse if the doxed information such as a person’s social activities, medical history, sexual preference and other vital bits of information is made public. This can have a serious threat to health, livelihood or relationship of the victim.

Steps to Protect Yourself from Doxing:

The following are some of the most commonly targeted pieces of information that can be easily obtained through doxing:
  • Full name
  • Age, gender and date of birth
  • Location and place of birth
  • Email addresses and username
  • Phone number
  • Social networking profiles, websites and blogs
So, it is always a good practice to keep the above bits of information hidden. Even though it is not possible to do this in all cases, you can still take care to protect as much information as you can from going public. You can consider the following additional tips for further protection:
  1. Do not upload personal photographs on web albums such as “Picasa”. Even if you do, make sure that your album is hidden from public and search engines.
  2. If you do not intend to show up your profile on search engines, it is a wise choice to make all the Internet profiles private.
  3. Maximize the privacy settings of your social network profiles. Make sure that your individual albums and photographs have their privacy settings configured.
  4. Do not use the same email address for all you accounts. Instead, create separate email IDs for individual activities such as gaming, forum participation, banking accounts etc.

Is Doxing a Crime?

Doxing is definitely not a crime when used within the ethical standards and no harm is being caused to anyone. However, if doxing is done to cause intentional damage such as harassment, blackmailing or taking revenge it might well be considered an offence.

>>Catch How Hackers work? #Method2-- Scam by clicking here
[*Note: If Link doesn't work, it means it hasn't published or awaiting moderation. Leave a comment]

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