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Friday, September 5, 2014

abc's on Starting YOUR very Own Blog

What came before Facebook, Google+, Twitter or every other social networking site out there? Yes, it was Blog. 

Blogging was the trend in one time; it still is but now its largely overshadowed by its next generation models = social networking. Still, as demanding and as popular social networking sites get, they can NEVER be just quite as good as blogs in a LOT of areas.

The big thing in blogging is the ability to customize. You can build anything out of your ideas, given some knowledge in coding. I would have loved to say a bit more on this but alas, we're not here to know how to create content, but to create blogs! 

So, keeping it clean and simple, here we go:

Consider the type of blog that you want:
  1. Paid Blog: If you want to make a paid blog, you need to pay some money to a web hosting site. They'll then provide you the instructions needed to build a website.
    Cons: They cost money and are not recommended for blogging as a hobby. Pros: You own the domain that you paid for! Means, you can sell this blog later if you want. Some blogs cost a decent amount of money. THIS blog would go around for $600 as it has around 97,000+ hits.
  2. FREE Blog: Free blogs are blogs which are built on free webhosting sites. This type of blog is BEST for blogging as a idle hobby. Popular FREE sites for blog webhosting are Wordpress and Blogger. THIS blog is made using Blogger.
    Cons: You have to have that "" or "" suffix at the end of your blog address. Its their way of advertising.
    Pros: Its FREE!!
If you chose to create a FREE blog, move onto any one of the below:
{Click on The Title to go to that site}

  • Wordpress: Choose this if you are very comfortable with frequent coding. Wordpress platform is very customizable but may be a little complicated for begineers. It has the best forums and support however, and you get access to some very beautiful themes and resources.
  • Blogger: Choose this if you know very little coding or none at all. Blogs by Blogger are very easy and simple to use. Its akin to using facebook and such; just a little bit of practice is necessary. However, that is NOT to say that YOU CANT code in blogger. Blogger has two modes, HTML mode and Compose Mode. You can alternate between these two in any way that suits you.
  • Others {I'll search myself}
For Blogger you need a Google account. For Wordpress, anything works. So first you need to fill up a form that tells you to create a blog. Just find in the appropriate data and your desired blog address > Select a suitable theme and then you're good to go!

This is a walk through, not a tutorial. So if you encounter any problem, feel free to comment below and let me know. Until  Next time. Ciao!

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